Welcome to Hot Off The Mat – A Bikram Yoga Blog

Hello and welcome to Hot Off The Mat, my new blog about Bikram Yoga.  I have practiced regularly since February 2010 and it has changed everything.  I have more energy, a leaner and meaner physique and greater mental clarity.  If for some reason, I have not been to class in a while, my children often remind me to go — even they can see the difference in my attitude.

I began practicing almost by accident.  I had recently left my job and was looking to get back into shape, but was unwilling to walk too far to get to a workout place.  There was a Bikram Yoga place 3 blocks away (I live in NYC) so I thought I would give it a try.  I walked in just to take a look and was overwhelmed by the smell of sweat and dripping bodies.  As a germaphobe, I thought there was no way this was for me, but somehow I ended up back there the next day for a trial week.  My first class was a challenge to say the least, but my teacher took such good care of me and the other students were so encouraging, that despite my sore and aching body, I decided to come back.  And as they say, the rest is history.

Fellow yogis, how did you start practicing?

9 thoughts on “Welcome to Hot Off The Mat – A Bikram Yoga Blog

  1. Hope your new blog helps motivate you back in to the room and on the mat. I just started up again with Bikram myself thanks to a wonderful studio near my home. I’ve been pretty much every night this week. It helps with so many things.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I practiced yoga for 17 years before I ever stepped foot into a Bikram room. I was in the midst of a very bad time in my life and my friend suggested I try Bikram. I felt desperate enough to try anything and I’m so glad I did. I’ll never look back! It started my blogging life too!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I started in January, three years ago. It was a new years resolution. I think I read an article about it somewhere and then I did a google search to find the closest studio. I remember my first class. OMG it was terrible. It was so hard but the people in the front row gave me the motivation to keep on coming back. I wanted to be like them.

    Now I’m pregnant, and I’ve decided to continue my practice with the Rajashree pregnancy yoga series. It has been wonderful.


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