3 Simple Meditation Tips

I am proud to share my yoga and meditation tips on Mango Health. 

Meditation offers many health benefits, but it isn’t always easy to get started. Writer Shari Eberts struggled to commit to a meditation practice until she went to a yoga retreat and was introduced to three simple rules. Here she shares these key pieces of advice that helped her learn to meditate (and love it):


I had been trying to develop a meditation practice for about a year, but nothing had stuck. Then I attended a yoga retreat at a Japanese Buddhist Zen center in Colorado and when participants were invited to meditate with the monks, I jumped at the chance.

Many of the attendees were new to meditation, so the head monk gave a short talk on meditation the first night. He demonstrated how to sit, where to rest our hands, and provided three simple rules to follow.

1.  Don’t move.

2.  Don’t scratch.

3.  Don’t invite your thoughts to tea.

It sounded simple, but upon further reflection, I realized each rule encompassed an entire philosophy.

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